Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Other Hand

By Shannon

Bin Laden was armed and resisted and was shot after a long firefight.  No, Bin Laden was unarmed when he was shot and no weapons or explosives were found in the house.  No, Bin Laden was within reach of 2 guns.  No no, Bin Laden was reaching for one of the very few weapons found in the house when he was shot.

Porn scanner at airports can see to the bone like an x-ray.  No, porn scanners can only see to the skin.  No, porn scanners can see through clothes EXCEPT (magically) for underwear.  (And we promise we don't accidentally hire perverts.)

Someone at Bin Laden's house used a woman as a human shield and that's why she was killed.  No, she wasn't used as a shield, but she was shooting at us.  No, she wasn't a shield and she wasn't armed, but she was shot in the leg for "rushing" a U.S. Navy Seal.  Oh, by the way, she's not dead... oh, wait, but another woman is dead. 

The border is unsecure and illegals even set traps trying to decapitate Agents on ATVs according to CBP and  No, according to Napolitano says it's safe because El Paso is safe.  No, the House Oversight Committee says it's still not secure regardless of Napolitano's observations of one city.

There was a long firefight at Bin Laden's house because of fierce resistance.  No, there were no guns in the house.  No, turns out 1 out of the 5 who was killed was armed when he was killed.

I wonder what the magicians in D.C. are doing with their other hand while
we are focused on the stuff this hand is juggling.

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