Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let me SPEAK!!!

by Shannon

One day I was complaining to a local official about a new ordinance in my city.  A coworker overheard me.  She’s a bit wacky and will say ANYTHING to get any man’s attention, but I wonder if others feel the same way she does.  She actually interrupted me to say, “Well, I never complain about what the government does.”  Then she batted her eyelashes at the official.  I couldn’t believe it!  I would have ignored it as her usual pathetic attempt to snag a man except for the fact that she’d said the same thing days before when some of us girls were complaining about our representatives’ actions in D.C.  I couldn’t let her second infraction go uncorrected.  I explained to her, less calmly than one might have hoped for, that “I’m exercising my patriotic right and DUTY, so butt out!”

 picture available at www.negotiationlawblog.com

Think on it a minute.  Freedom of speech is the bedrock of our society.  This tarnished beacon of democracy and freedom was made great in part because our Founders guaranteed that we could not be silenced by the government whether or not we agreed with it.  I am never more American than when I exercise my right – MY DUTY – to speak freely.  Not ever.  And neither are you.

On the Two Angels Facebook page we quoted the next paragraph in our first status message.  It bears repeating in this vitriolic culture.  Please read it and take it to heart because Ann and I do.  We may agree or disagree with one another and we encourage our readers to do the same.  However, the exercise of our right of free speech is only properly exercised when we as citizens respect one another.  We must recognize that neither conservatives nor liberals have evil intent towards America or one another.  All of us want to make the country better.  We merely come at it from different angles.  Friends, there is NOTHING more patriotic or more fundamentally American than that!!!
Picture may be found at www.fantasyecards.com

The American Eagle has 2 wings. “Wing #1 is the problem-solving wing or wing of compassion. They are sensitive to the unfulfilled needs of the people. They dream of elaborate plans to solve these problems. Wing #2 has the responsibility of conserving the nation’s resources and the people’s freedom. Its function is to analyze the programs of wing #1 with two questions. First, can we afford it? Second, what will it do to the rights and individual freedom of the people? If both wings fulfill their assigned function, the American eagle will fly straighter and higher than any civilization in the history of the world. But if either of these wings goes to sleep on the job, the American eagle will drift toward anarchy or tyranny.” ~ The 5000 Year Leap by Skousen

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