Friday, March 18, 2011

Women Hate Women

By Shannon
The following video has profanity - I mean come on!  It's Chris Rock! 
So if you are offended by the F-word or the B-word, then skip the video. 

"You would think that women would rule the world, but they don't!  Why? 
Because women hate women." 
~ Chris Rock

A woman came into the office screaming because a fellow prosecutor did her very best and still lost a case against the man alledged to have sexually abused the woman's daughter.  The woman began screaming that we should have told the jury that the defendant's brother is in prison in California because he is a child molester.  She would not listen to why that was irrelevant.  She pointed accusingly as she said we should have called her and the 13 year old victim at least every week since the trial.  She could not see that hand-holding after the fact is not a luxury prosecutors have when we have a never-ending supply of victims.  Then she screamed that we (I wasn't even there) were stupid because the jury had 7 men and "only" 3 women.  I tried to explain that loading a jury with men in a sexual assault case is just good strategy.  She told me I was an idiot.

"Ma'am I know it's hard to believe, but a male jury is the only way to go in matters like these."

She looked at me with murderous eyes.

"Women hate women, so..."

"She's not a woman!" the woman screamed as she towered over me.  "She's 13!"

"Yes," I said.  "However, women don't like 13 year olds much better..."  Before I could explain why this is true, she began ranting again.  She had not come for answers.  She'd come to vent her anger. 

I understood her point.  She thought that it would be easier for a female victim to testify before a female jury.  Perhaps.  Unfortunately, trials are not about what is easiest... they are about justice.  To have a shot at justice, comfort can't matter.  Women judge other women extremely harshly - and not just female victims either.  I have to look more polished than my male counterparts because when I speak the women on the jury are not hearing my words, they are judging my shoes, my suit, my hair, my weight, my breasts, my lack of a wedding ring, and they are mentally ridiculing me when I make a mistake.  They judge victims the same way, but that judgement often ends with a silent pronouncement: 

"She deserved it," they think, "for looking too sexy, wearing a skirt, walking just before dusk down that road, trusting that uncle, sitting in her father's lap and wiggling, etc."

No prosecutor can afford to have too many women on a jury when the victim is female over the age of 9.

Need more proof?  Look back at Ann's post from yesterday.  See that bully-judge's picture at the bottom of her post?  Well, I looked at some of the news reports and some of the comments at the end of those reports.  Some men blamed the victim because she was arguing with her lover over the phone and then went to his house where he alledgedly broke her arm.  Almost EVERY women blamed her for the same reason.  Almost EVERY woman said she got what she deserved because they'd heard she doesn't wear underware.  (I'm not kidding.)  The women found or made up reasons to hate her, but many men defended her.  One man wrote that (I'm paraphrasing):  "By this group's logic, next time my wife makes me mad I can hit her and then defend myself by saying that she should have known better than to walk within arm's reach."

I don't know what the answer is, but I do know this:  We will never have a woman president until women stop hating women.  We will never have justice for female victims over the age of 9 until women stop hating women.  We will never have truly beautiful lives until we experience the strength, peace, wisdom, and love that we women can EXPERIENCE and EXERT when we stop hating each other.

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